
GRE Vocabulary Builder

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Welcome. We are pleased to introduce you 1400+ commonly used GRE vocabulary words. Our GRE word service has been in operation since 2001. We have seen a significant number of visitors coming from India, Puerto Rico, United States, United Kingdom, Korea, Japan, etc. We would like to thank you for visiting and for all of your kind words. I hope we are helping you to improve your GRE scores. These GRE words have been revised by many of you as you requested updates on many of these GRE words. We thank you. Best, Soundkeepers
Quick Draw: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26

ListExample WordsTools
Word List 1acus, abate, abjure, abration FlashCards - Printable
Word List 2anul, apathy, aplumb FlashCards - Printable
Word List 3auspice, austere, auxillary, aver FlashCards - Printable
Word List 4bolster, boorish, braid, brash FlashCards - Printable
Word List 5coerce, coeval, cogent, cogitate FlashCards - Printable
Word List 6covert, covetous, cower, craven FlashCards - Printable
Word List 7deplore, deposition, deprave FlashCards - Printable
Word List 8dessent, dessipation, dessolution FlashCards - Printable
Word List 9emaciate, embellish, embezzle FlashCards - Printable
Word List 10evaporate, evince, evoke, evolve FlashCards - Printable
Word List 11ferment, ferocity, ferret, fertile FlashCards - Printable
Word List 12fragile, fragrant, franchise, frantic FlashCards - Printable
Word List 13harrow, harsh, haven, heed FlashCards - Printable
Word List 14impiety, implacable, implicate FlashCards - Printable
Word List 15inept, infertile, inflame, infuriate FlashCards - Printable
Word List 16jibe, jocular, judicious, knit FlashCards - Printable
Word List 17mendacious, mendacity, mendicant FlashCards - Printable
Word List 18obtain, obtrusive, obviate, occluded FlashCards - Printable
Word List 19perfidy, perfunctory, perilous, perish FlashCards - Printable
Word List 20preclude, perdilection, predominate FlashCards - Printable
Word List 21pundit, pungency, purvey, FlashCards - Printable
Word List 22relapse, relegate, reluctant FlashCards - Printable
Word List 23savant, savor, sawdust FlashCards - Printable
Word List 24splice, sponge, spurious, spurn FlashCards - Printable
Word List 25synopsis, taciturn, talon FlashCards - Printable
Word List 26turgid, turmoil, tyro, ulterior FlashCards - Printable