
GRE Multiple Choice Questions - List 23

GRE - Flashcards - Multiple Choice Questions - SHOW ME LIST 23


(noun) the hollow ####### of a feather

(noun) a revolving rod that transmits power or motion

(noun) a long rod or pole (especially the handle of an implement or the body of a weapon like a spear or arrow)

(noun) a vertical passage into a mine

(noun) (architecture) upright consisting of the vertical part of a column

(noun) a vertical passageway through a building (as for an elevator)

(noun) a long pointed rod used as a weapon

(noun) obscene terms for penis

(noun) the main (mid) section of a long bone

(noun) an aggressive remark directed at a person like a missile and intended to have a telling effect; "his parting shot was `drop dead'"; "she threw #######s of sarcasm"; "she takes a dig at me every chance she gets"

(noun) a line that forms the length of an arrow pointer

(noun) a column of light (as from a beacon)

(verb) defeat someone in an expectation through trickery or deceit

(verb) equip with a #######


** Please Select the best Word that fits the definition in the left column