
SAT Multiple Choice Questions - List 57

SAT - Flashcards - Multiple Choice Questions - SHOW ME LIST 57


(adjective) not in operation or operational; "the oven is #######"; "the lights are #######"

(adjective) (of events) no longer planned or scheduled; "the wedding is definitely #######"

(adjective satellite) below a satisfactory level; "an ####### year for tennis"; "his performance was #######"

(adjective satellite) in an unpalatable state; "sour milk"

(adverb) no longer on or in contact or attached; "clean ####### the dirt"; "he shaved ####### his mustache"

(adverb) from a particular thing or place or position (`forth' is obsolete); "ran away from the lion"; "wanted to get away from there"; "sent the children away to boarding school"; "the teacher waved the children away from the dead animal"; "went ####### to school";

(adverb) at a distance in space or time; "the boat was 5 miles ####### (or away)"; "the party is still 2 weeks ####### (or away)"; "away back in the 18th century"


** Please Select the best Word that fits the definition in the left column