
SAT Multiple Choice Questions - List 91

SAT - Flashcards - Multiple Choice Questions - SHOW ME LIST 91


(noun) a mistake in printed matter resulting from mechanical failures of some kind

(adjective satellite) without interpretation or embellishment; "a ####### translation of the scene before him"

(adjective satellite) (of a translation) corresponding word for word with the original; "####### translation of the article"; "an awkward word-for-word translation"

(adjective) limited to the explicit meaning of a word or text; "a ####### translation"

(adjective satellite) of the clearest kind; usually used for emphasis; "it's the ####### truth"; "a matter of investment, pure and simple"

(adjective satellite) lacking stylistic embellishment; "a ####### description"; "wrote good but plain prose"; "a plain unadorned account of the coronation"; "a forthright unembellished style"

(adjective satellite) being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something; "her actual motive"; "a ####### solitude like a desert"- G.K.Chesterton; "a genuine dilemma"


** Please Select the best Word that fits the definition in the left column