Hi,This is Je, the founder of Soundkeepers.com. Thank you very much for visiting my site over the years. I am happy to inform you that I have decided to focus on producing beautiful paintings. As you might have noticed, I have made significant content changes to accommodate this decision. I will post more content and my work as I progress. Meanwhile, please enjoy the updated ART section of the site. Thanks! Soundkeepers.com has grown over the years. But I am happy to tell you that Soundkeepers.com is still operating "FREE" SoundChess--one of the best email chess engine--since 2001. SoundChess was built when there wasn't a reliable email chess engine on the web. But the best part of soundkeepers.com is its community. And, I couldn't thank you enough for the kind words from so many of you. Thank you for visiting and using soundkeepers.com. Oh, here is something new: now you can follow me via Twitter. I mostly tweet about what I am passionate about: art and running. - Je
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